jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Jewelry and Accessory Design

Puquio is a Quechua word which means “spring”.

"The drought took a long time, and everybody had forgotten the feeling of water running over the body, overflowing between the rocks, getting between the toes. 
One morning the rain came, and everyone ran for cover. They couldn´t remember it…
Only one person left, and his feet began to move to the rhythm of the raindrops. He filled his mouth with this water, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed...
Seeing it, everybody came out and began a dance that filled them with joy. And the water never dried, and then many Puquios emerged everywhere, and the dance never ended. "

Puquio is a festival of joy, color and shamelessness, born from the need to create, as basic as water, and as endless as a spring.
You will never get bored of using our designs, because every piece is as unique as you are.

Rocio Uculmana is a peruvian Bachelor of Arts from the National University of San Marcos (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - Lima, Peru). She has also attended many workshops on plastic arts, and dedicates to manufacturing fashion articles since 2006.

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